This was a Phishing test.

No harm done!

But malicious attacks can have devastating consequences.
Know what to look for and avoid the traps.

Coming soon
  • If you don't know the sender, don't click the link (or open the attachment). Hackers make a living pretending to be people they're not! Don't take the bait.

  • Check the sender's email address. It might look valid, but when looked at carefully, the address might be misspelled or coming from somewhere unexpected.

  • Hover before you click. Roll over the link and check the URL. Does the URL in the email actually match where it goes? Does the link start with https instead of http (the "s" means it's secure)?

  • Be careful of any amazing offers or rewards. If it's too good to be true, then it's probably a scam.

Practice safe clicks.

Be diligent.

Stay vigilant.

Always report suspicious activity immediately.